miriam cooke



Every autobiographer approaches differently the challenge of remembering facts and events and then plunging them into the stream of days out of which meaning bubbles. The autobiographer does not necessarily search for the truth in her life…


Por mais de quatro décadas os debates sobre o hijab se alastravam pelo mundo árabe muçulmano, opondo conservadores e reformistas em um contexto político conformado pelo colonialismo europeu. Em 1927, os xeiques sírios decretaram que as mulheres deveriam cobrir o rosto…


This article examines the ways in which Syrian poet and artist Huda Naamani expresses the inexpressible of ecstasy. In a Sufi epic poem entitled Kitāb al-wajd wa al-tawājud (The Book of Ecstasy and its Indicators), she acknowledges the impossibility of recording the ecstatic experience in words on a page.


about miriam cooke

miriam cooke is Braxton Craven Professor of Arab Cultures at Duke University read more