Nawal El Saadawi Unveiling the Mind

Nawal El Saadawi: The Daughter of Goddess Isis who Fought for Justice
Women in Islam, 2023 How can anyone encompass the life of Nawal El Saadawi, a woman whose passionate pursuit of justice continued unabated until 21 March 2021, the day she died? It is not enough to cite the dozens of books she wrote that were translated into multiple languages, or to list the international prizes, […]
Arab Feminist Autobiographies: Nawal El Saadawi
Arab Women as Agents of Change – Essays in Honor of Nawal El Saadaw Every autobiographer approaches differently the challenge of remembering facts and events and then plunging them into the stream of days out of which meaning bubbles. The autobiographer does not necessarily search for the truth in her life but rather wrestles with […]