featured keynote
Nawal El Saadawi: The Daughter of Goddess Isis who Fought for Justice
Women in Islam, 2023 How can anyone encompass the life of Nawal El Saadawi, a woman whose passionate pursuit of justice continued unabated until 21
Arab Feminist Autobiographies: Nawal El Saadawi
Arab Women as Agents of Change – Essays in Honor of Nawal El Saadaw Every autobiographer approaches differently the challenge of remembering facts and events
Nazira Zeineddine: The Girl and the Shaykhs
PUBLICATION: Sociologias, Porto Alegre Resumo Por mais de quatro décadas os debates sobre o hijab se alastravam pelo mundo árabe muçulmano, opondo conservadores e reformistas
The Barzakh of Ecstacy
PUBLICATION: Journal of the Institute for Sufi Studies (2022) ABSTRACT This article examines the ways in which Syrian poet and artist Huda Naamani expresses the
JMEWS Volume 18 Issue 1 (2022)
PUBLICATION: Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies (2022) 18 (1): 147–149 ARTICLE The Arab world’s leading feminist activist and writer, Nawal El Saadawi, died on
Protest in the Age of Cyberatomism (2021)
PUBLICATION: Protest XX (2021) ABSTRACT How can we account for the exponential increase in worldwide mass protests over the past twenty years? While protests are
Nawal El Saadawi – Activist, Writer, and Physician
KEYNOTE “Celebrating Arab Women”International Conference UAENovember 7, 2020 Download PDF of the keynote slides
Hijabi Activism (2020)
PUBLICATION: Al Raida Journal Vol. 44, Issue 2, 2020 ARTICLE I was eating a veg dosa at Delhi’s Jamia Millia Islamia University cafeteria when a
Murad vs. ISIS (2019)
PUBLICATION: JMEWS 209 ABSTRACT This article analyzes recent Iraqi texts, some authorizing and others condemning rape as a weapon of war. The focus is on